Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
What Does the "L" Stand for?
Sunday, June 27, 2010
"All There Is..."*
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I'm Not Sure That This Actually Says Anything.
I've written blog entries over the past few weeks on Word. But, none of them seem right for uploading tonight.
Earlier, I was in the kitchen, putting away my watercolors and adding more plums to the already vast quantity boiling on the stove for jelly, and two of Heath's friends walked in. I love that our home is also some sort of community youth building...most of the time. There are moments when I'm wearing pajamas or I want to be by myself and random people let themselves in and such. But, its nice to know that so many people like just being out on Josephine...with us.
There isn't much in the way of excitement going on here. I've finished reading a few books and they were good. I've been making jelly and pitting fruit for seeds that I want to plant in the fall. I've been working more lately, which is good. Life here is slow. And I like that a good bit of the time. This place lopes along like an animal, tucked thickly within some dense crop. And sometimes, I myself feel as if I could be the animal.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Orange was the Only Light.
I wait. And while I do, Egon keeps me company.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
In Arizona, You Can Give Your Love Away...

This is one of the other fellows that I hold in my hand. Meet Baruch. This little guy and his brother, Petree, came to stay with me until they could feed themselves and flew the coop.
The interests of early June are many.
1. Things made of paper...
Whether we are wasting paper and time while making "aeroplanes", fortune tellers, birds, fish, stationery, and beads or not is certainly debatable. I debate that it isn't.
2. Broken ceramics...
I'm collecting broken cups, mugs, saucers, and other eatery that someone as clumsy as myself once held. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with each one, but I've started on a new venture...I am now a professional collector of shards, insects, wasp nests, paper jibbles, books, lists, hand-written notes, pressed flowers, and mail. Oh boy.
3. Crane Flies...
and sweat bees are my insects of choice at present. Crane flies are sometimes called mosquito hawks. They do look like mosquitoes, blown up to about fifteen times their size. But, they do not, like most people think, eat them. They eat plant roots. Sweat bees are annoying at any rate. They are attracted to salty water, so a southerner working in the yard is rather unlucky. We have swarms in our Helleri bushes. At least they are available for catching.
4. Attache Cases...
shouldn't be something that siblings fuss over. Heath and I haven't reached this point, yet. But, every time I bring my black 80's number back up stairs, it disappears again. I haven't figured out just exactly why it keeps finding it's way to his room.
5. "I Spy" Cards...
come in happy meals and are highly amusing. I know this, because Kaitland got a set, which are actually a memory game, and because I have played game after game.
6. Overton Park's Levitt Shell...
is where it's at. Free Concerts four out of seven days a week. Check it out at

are not to be reckoned with. They are epic. Always. They are either epically wonderful or epically aweful. People don't ever get out of the passenger seat after a trip and feel neutral. They are extremely something or extremely something else. All of my Passenger Seat Adventures of late have been extrememly lovely. Of this, I am grateful.
8. Embroidery...
used to make me very happy, and I want to get back into it. I guess this means that I collect napkins and handkerchiefs and other random textiles, too. The image conjured in my head of my future home is a mess of oddities. I like it. But it frightens me.