I have been having a lot of trouble with spelling lately, which never happens. I attribute this to one of the following hypotheses:
1. A lack of sleep over the last two and a half to three weeks is finally catching up to me.
2. I have a case of early-onset Alzheimer's. This is too terrible to contemplate and nothing to joke about. It's probably least likely, anyway.
3. I am slowly succumbing to Bob Pennebaker's desire for mankind to function solely in the right brain.
Hmmm. Here's to coffee, drawing, and spell checks.
Of late, my friend and I have been enjoying "song of the day", which usually turns into at least three songs of the day. Today, it did just that. I think I might start including lists once a week. Here are today's:
From the Musical Taste of James "Sharpeshooter" Sharpe, and which I have yet to listen to:
-"Thank You my Twilight", The Pillows
-"Greenbird", The Seatbelts
And, for good measure, my choice of the day:
-"Primitive Man", Fruitbats
And now, the part where I list some words. Good ones.
*elutriate-[ih loo tree eyt] v. to purify by washing, straining, or decanting.
*facile-[fa sil] adj. moving, working, proceeding with ease; affable, agreeable, mannerly
*milchig-[mil khig] adj. a dietary law of Judaism; consisting of, made from, or used only for milk or dairy products.
On random things:
1. Magnetic words...
are amazing. I am doing project 365 with my friend, Natalie. She's making a different guitar pick shaped cut out every day, and I am making five new magnetic words each day, which I hope will continue until I am able to construct a wall of words for my house or our potential coffee shop, ect.
Here are some phrases that I've put together from the ones which already exist.
-The rubber pavement grew enough clover to actually merit seclusion.
-Maybe they won't hand you my creative being...just my marbles.
-Cover the grass with shrink-wrap.
-These things become like bone-marrow * stimulating me to life.
-Hundreds of planetary heads read puns.
-Your baggy halogen eyes filled the street a brilliant white
-The tenuous green one despises beautiful shoes.
-She's standing at an increasingly excruciating and otherwise entirely disappointing distance.
-Even the manliest mustached human softly maintains a thunderous heart.
2. Glue Sticks...
are ever helpful. Right now, I'm sporting a Scholastic Stick, made by the publishing company. Nice.
3. Eric Clapton...
makes me weep. "Unplugged Blues". Listen to it.
Veranda Magazine...
is wonderful for chopping up and interesting to look at; has impossibly decorated houses that I can't imagine being comfortable living in.
5. My brother...
manages to amaze me every time there is a science fair. How does he keep winning? How?
6. Sharon Olds'
Strike Sparks...
Olds writes beautifully. In this book of selected poetry from 1980 to 2002, she delivers strong vignettes of her life. She pulls me through her poems effortlessly with her images. I love that she writes about herself and her family. Her poems are individual, delicate autobiographies. Be warned, she writes a great deal about her sexual escapades. I recommend "Looking at them Asleep" and "Rite of Passage"...
7. Babies...
are being born like crazy right now. I want one. Or seven.
8. Ferns...
come in five main varieties. ( 1. tender 2. semitender 3. semihardy 4. hardy 5. very hardy)
The difference is that the tenderest need a nighttime temperature of no less than 65 degrees and the very hardy can withstand minus 25 degree temperatures. The others are somewhere between. I love horticulturists. ah.
9. Men's Soap...
smells better.