Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sanguine & Melancholy Side by Side

1. "Chocolates and Cigarettes"...

is not my favorite song by Angus and Julia Stone, but it is an exceptionally beautiful video. Please enjoy by low light.

2. My family...

came to Jackson today, in the rain, to help me by picking up some things that I couldn't haul home in my car. My dad didn't feel well and everyone had things that they could have been doing otherwise. I so appreciate them and I hope that they realize how big of a help they were to me.

3. Maps...

shouldn't be so difficult for me to learn. I am a visual person. This summer, I will educate myself (at least somewhat) in the area of geography. I feel that this is important.

4. "You Don't Miss Your Water"...

by Otis Redding, was my happy musical discovery of the day. It's a sitting in silence song.

5. Carrots...

are very good when boiled in water and mixed into oatmeal with butter and brown sugar.

6. The Urge...

to watch French movies is overwhelming right now.

7. Thunder...

makes me want to curl up. This isn't a cowering sort of curled up. It's more some sort of passive appreciation on my behalf.

8. Sundays...

are best when they are Sundays. I'm going to keep it that way.

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