Thursday, December 24, 2009

Maybe its the Weather

Today, I'm looking out of the window at the gray sky, and reading Sylvia Plath. But really, what I'm doing is wishing James would bring me back my copy of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". I get lost in that book. I really should stop reading it. It's truly a terrible thing to allow myself to love. I get caught in those white spaces between the words and I can't get out. It is a sin.

This is a strange way to spend Christmas Eve, I know. It fits in nicely with the rest of the break, though. We've not done anything particularly Christmassy. We don't even have a tree this year. Its nice...sort of a purge-yourself-away-from-anything-except-an-excess-of-food-and-the-scripture-reading kind of Christmas. We made a family decision not to swap gifts this year, too. I like it. It makes the real purpose so much more...well, beautiful.

God is the best.

"And in that moment, I swear, we were infinite."

I've just become fully aware of the fact that I've combined a blog post about the greatest miracle that has ever occured, and one of my sinful indulgences. And you know what? I feel really bad.
But I still love that book. And I think you should read it.

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