Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My Christmas Break officially started as I got into my car last night. It was probably a little before then, but walking outside and getting in just set things. I drove back to my dorm and called my mother. We talked for a long time. Sitting there, in my car, in the wee-est hours of the morning, I realized how very thankful I am for her...for the people I have been surrounded by. I called my mom at 12:30 a.m. on a work night and she talked to me for at least an hour. I am so blessed by her love. I'm glad I am going home today to be with my family. I should probably pack.

Instead, I am sitting on my bed, eating a bag of Bugles (I called them finger chips when I was little). A little known fact about me is that Bugles are by far my favorite chip. I am not really a chip kind of person. I don't like popcorn either. This is something that I was thinking about last night as I was offered some. I think I have concluded that it makes my mouth wrinkled. That is a strange observation, but I just don't like salty, wrinkled lips. I feel a pang for anyone who does.